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Q: Does CHANGE treat a Crack/Cocaine addiction ?

A: Our program is methadone/suboxone based which is used for opiate dependence, those medications do not treat cocaine addiction. However, we can refer you to the appropriate treatment services for cocaine dependence if you contact one of our clinics.

Q: Can methadone be used during pregnancy?

A: Yes, if you are pregnant and still using opiates you should begin methadone maintenance as soon as possible. Methadone prevents opioid withdraw, which can be dangerous for your baby. Methadone is a safe and effective way to manage opiate

Q: What will happen if I stop taking my medication?

A: In the early stages of your methadone treatment it is highly recommended that no doses are missed. Later in treatment, if you miss 3 consecutive days of methadone you will need to be reassessed by a Physician to begin

Q: Are there any negative drug interactions?

A: Taking mood altering substances while on methadone or suboxone can be potentially dangerous. There have been reported deaths, by the combination of methadone with alcohol, opioids, cocaine, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and/or tranquilizers.

Q: Isn’t this just switching one drug for another?

A: Substance misuse or addiction is a disease that can require medication intervention as well as life style modification. The medication stabilizes the condition which allows the individual to change their life style in order to put the disease into

Q: Can I switch between medications (suboxone /methadone)?

A: You will discuss your options at your initial physician appointment. If you are not happy with your decision you can switch between methadone and suboxone. In order to start suboxone you will still need to be in withdrawal from

Q: What is better: methadone or suboxone?

A: The best medication is based on many factors. One medication may be more appropriate than the other for a particular patient based on the individual’s medical history or social factors. Personal preference may also be considered in the decision.

Q: Will it rot my teeth?

A: Methadone & buprenorphine/naloxone will not rot your teeth. However, one of the side effects of these medications is dry mouth. Having a dry mouth can increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth and if you have any pre-existing

Q: What happens if I am on the program and I am going out of town for a few days?

A: With over 70 clinics throughout Ontario, amongst all of our affiliates, chances are there will be a CHANGE or affiliate clinic wherever you are travelling. Please let staff know of your plans 48 hours in advance to give them

Q: If I am still using opiates after starting the program, will I be asked to leave?

A: No. You will not be asked to leave the program as we believe in the Harm Reduction approach to therapy.